a computer can work is quicker if program files which there is in drive system is arranged elegantly and file which [shall] no longer be applied vanished. Easy way to do settlement of fie is with men-defragment drive at disk drive. Menu Defragment has made available at Windows XP and we can apply consecutively. But in general defragment requires old time, and at the time of men-defragment we is not suggested to open other program to process it is not slow.
In this tutorial we will learn interrogates that at the time of doing defragment can be done with quicker time with only right clicking. Its way is by following step under this.
Firstly, click Start > Run and types regedit. Then click HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT | Drive | Shell. Hereinafter, create a new file and called Defrag. Its is Value Type is String Value. Name Value (Default). At Data Value is & Defrag Drive selected.
if completed new sub key create under Defrag, and called Command. Type Value String Value, and Name Value (Default). At Data Value is filled by defrag.exe"%1" | Noprompt. stelah restarts its(the computer.