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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hide Your Control Panel

Control Panel is a real important schema in Windows XP. Why? If a computer in access by man who is wrong, hence computer crash would in total. Therefore, we need to prevent that man who is unconcerned in stepped into Control Panel, particularly if computer is applied in general or multiple user people.

In this tutorial we will study about locking or hiding Control Panel truly and makes others difficult to access Control Panel.

Of course way of locking it is very simple. Firstly step we that need to do is admission towards its(the register with clicking Start > Run and types "gpedit.msc". If we had entered register, we select;choose part of User Configuration > Administrator Template > Control Panel and double click at part "Prohibit access to the Control Panel". Then, select "Enabled" after we reside in Prohibit access to the Control Panel Properties. Then Restarts your computer.

Pays attention to all change in Start menu.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Eliminate Welcome Screen

In Windows 2000 and XP, often emerges Welcome Screen every user to apply Windows. The condition makes performance Windows more slowly. If we didn't wish the greeting and makes performance Windows to work faster, we need to eliminate Welcome Screen.

This is way to eliminate Welcome Screen:

Firstly, we are click Start > Run and typing regedit. Then click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer. Value applied is DWORD Value and Name VNoWelcomeScreenalue is . Then filled in data 1 to eliminate Welcome Screen.

If completed Restart computer to see the result. Good Try!!

Sorting List Program at Start Menu

At the time of we are installing a new program, the program will be presented at line very under to Program Menu and formation of menu we seen to become random. Therefore, we hardly need to neaten all program lists found on Program menu. We need to make formation of program as according to alphabet so that program was not random again. How to we are sorting the list?

This is easy way to be done. Firstly, we are open Start > Run and typing regedit at available box. Then click HEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\StartMenu\&Programs After. that, we change &Programs becomes &Programss. And at last step soon Restart computer.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Increasing speed of Windows

At a computer which slowly performance hardly is need applying this step to increasing performance of Windows XP. Way which is easy is by eliminating animation at windows. That is knowable function of active animation or we not necessarily do step following.

Firstly click Start > Run and types "regedit". Then click "HKEY_CURRENT_USER | ControlPanel | Dekstop | WindowMetrics". At type value "String Value" by the name of value data "MinAnimate" filled data 1 if we like to disabled animation and contents of data 0 if to return at initial condition.

Changing Windows XP Habits

In Windows XP there is assorted of available menu like choosing menu File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, tools etcetera. If we choose one of the menu, hence menu will go out by the way of flattening left. now we will change habit with plane exit on the right. Often we don't realize result of its change. To change we need to follow this step.

Firstly, click at Start > Run and types "regedit" then click HKEY_CURRENT_USER | ControlPanel | Dekstop. Clicked MenuDropAlignment and fills in value data 1 if we like to makes is plane right and 0 if to return at initially.

Hiding Recycle Bin

All the icon which there is in desktop can be vanished and thrown in Recycle Bin. Becoming question is how we can throw away Recycle Bin? Correct way is by using Registry Windows which can be done by the way of click Start > Run and types regedit. Then, click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Explorer | Desktop | Namespace | {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}. Delete key {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}, so Recycle Bin will lost from desktop. To displaying again we only making again key by the name of the same like upper.

Quickness Defragment

a computer can work is quicker if program files which there is in drive system is arranged elegantly and file which [shall] no longer be applied vanished. Easy way to do settlement of fie is with men-defragment drive at disk drive. Menu Defragment has made available at Windows XP and we can apply consecutively. But in general defragment requires old time, and at the time of men-defragment we is not suggested to open other program to process it is not slow.

In this tutorial we will learn interrogates that at the time of doing defragment can be done with quicker time with only right clicking. Its way is by following step under this.

Firstly, click Start > Run and types regedit. Then click HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT | Drive | Shell. Hereinafter, create a new file and called Defrag. Its is Value Type is String Value. Name Value (Default). At Data Value is & Defrag Drive selected.

if completed new sub key create under Defrag, and called Command. Type Value String Value, and Name Value (Default). At Data Value is filled by defrag.exe"%1" | Noprompt. stelah restarts its(the computer.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Locking Skin Windows Media Payer

In the computer world, the functioning software for multimedia is so central necessary for the user. Especially is the audio software. A lot of audio peripheral is earning that we to apply to open other song file or video. Most commonly is applied and has become congenital complement from windows is Windows Media Player. WMP is software standard from windows XP.

What is interesting is Windows Media Player has replaceable visual form as according to our appetite. We enough choosing "skin chooser" and takes one of model skin which there are]there. Possibly we feel enough likes wrongly one skin which we are choose and we wish that the syn- is not changed by others. Then, how to that we can lock the skin?

In this tutorial, we will be made the point to lock skin. Following is the steps:

First is there any click Start > Run and types "gpedit.msc" then pushed ENTER button. Then, click "User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Media Player> User Interface". Double click at option "Set and Lock Skin". Click option "Enabled" and enters file name skin which we select at text-box “Skin". in system MS Windows XP, skin is forming Windows media player always is marked with extension ".wmz" and earns we are searching to apply facility Search. For example, we can type "atomic.wmz" at the box which available.

If we completed determines skin which we to select, push OK and now our Windows Media Player open. Now, Windows Media Player would directly applies skin which is new without can be changed again.

Blocking Windows Messenger

Have you ever communicated applies Windows Messenger and you wish to decide the communications? Basically, Windows Messenger much the same to with Yahoo Messenger. You can relate to who ever in on-time to apply this software.

If in a moment you wish to kill this Windows Messenger because you didn't wish to bothered again. Or because of expense your internet connection swells. Can also you wish to kill that others cannot apply it.

MS WINDOWS XP permits we to black out Windows Messenger applies way that is most practical. Its way is with clicking Start > Run den types "gpedit.msc", then press ENTER. Then clicked "User Configuration > Administrator Templates > Windows Components > Windows Messenger". Double click at "Do not allow Windows Messenger to be run".

If done selected "Enabled" and then press OK.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Non-activity System Restore

Windows XP has utility [System Restore] what has ability to change setting becomes form of standard, throws away all systems which has been changed, and returns to form initially (default). Such a thing can function to overcome the viruses attacking in your computer or there is damage software (file corrupt) what causes application cannot run, so that hard disk full of application file which cannot be operated.

At condition of default, [System Restore] occupies around 12% from every logical drive. The number of the deductible spaces is according to our willingness by arranging utility or we to earn also turning off the features.

Following sequential in arranging [System Restore]:

1. Right click [My Computer] and select [Properties].

2. If had opened, we can select [System Restore].

3. Disable [System Restore] by giving sign check list at box [turn off system restore on all drives]. However, if we only wish to kill or lessens at certain drive, we can apply other way, that is we can highlights drive wanted, herein after click [Setting]. By using slider, we can arrange space size in drive the [System Restore] which will be applied for restore point. Reduction some numeral constrains from level of flexibility [System Restore] can lessen until 5% from total capacity of hard disk.

4. If all arrangement have been done soon click [OK] to saving the result of distorting setting.

Changing of Virtual Memory

File page is one or many areas from a hard disk which has been targeted by Windows XP as VIRTUAL MEMORY. The logic from VIRUAL MEMORY is like ordering an area to be used fills data at main memory.

Virtual Memory can be accessed with Windows, like Physical Memory, but that farther out still. Both farther out compared to speed RAM (Random Access Memory).

Actually, Windows XP frequently uses file page in continues with neglectfully the number of free memory at system in Personal Computer. That thing has intention that when we to try to optimal of this file, will give positive influence at performance (speed) computer.

This is the way to optimally of the page file [Virtual Memory]:

1. Right click [My Computer], and then click [Properties].

2. Select tabs [Advance], then click [Setting] at part [Performance].

3. At optional variant [Performance Options], select tabs [Advance]. After those, select [Change] at the part [Virtual Memory].

4. If all had been done, we can choose and arranges measure [Page File] at drive as according to our own desire.

5. If we completed arranges overall of arrangement, soon Restart computer.

This is the picture when we want to arrange the Virtual Memory:

The Size of [ Page File]

The standard size of (default) virtual memory must pay attention to starting size and maximum size. Therefore is required value spread enabled by Windows in doing distorting of measure virtual memory. This thing is functioned that there is system demand from page file.

To change size [Virtual Memory] must follow step following:

1. Select and marks [Custom size]. [Initial size] will be arranged and adapted for value which has been determined [Recommended], what summed up with the same number.

2. At [Maximum Size], value entered as according to our desire. If we wish value default, hence we aren't necessarily changes any.

3. If we wish to arrange by self [Maximum Size], hence entering value which smaller than value [Space Available].

4. Besides value [Maximum Size] which we want to enter is treble from the size of RAM computer. If value [Maximum Size] bigger than value RAM, hence will cause lack of computer performance. This thing is caused RAM is forced to works redundantly. If the condition not soon is handled, RAM would be hot and can combustible.

Non-Activate Page “Change or Remove Programs”

In processing the computerize operation installation and un-install a program is common features is applied. There is easy way to do the thing by using media Add or Remove Programs found on Control Panel. In the windows there are three bodyworks, that is; "Change or Remove Program", "Add New Programs" and "Add/Remove Windows Components".

However there are some problems making computer becoming not safe to be used by user. This thing is caused by all people can have access at part "Change or Remove Programs" and they can do uninstall of all inscribed software types in it. This thing will become very disturbs if we didn't eliminate the system.

This tutorial will give way that we can eliminate part "Change or Remove Programs" from "Add or Remove programs". Stepped initially was with admission at regedit with clicking Start > Run and types "regedit" at Run. Then, click "HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies Unistall". Possibly folder "Uninstall" has not made available. If has not made available, we are create formerly this folder by the way of right click selected New > Key. Create text "Uninstall".

Then, click menu Edit > New > DWORD VALUE. Give a name "NoRemovePrograms". Meanwhile, fills in number 1 at part "Value data". And at the end, soon restarts the computer.

Lock Screensaver

Like is that we know, actually the function of screensaver is to take care of monitor age remain to be long when we often leaves in aflame condition. Screensaver would be active if we leaved computer within certain.

In the development, screensaver have been functioning widely. This time exactly becomes one of accessories which able to be replaced periodical. However becoming problems is a lot of incognito viruses to become screensaver. For civilian, fie-file this type considered to be a screensaver which besotted. But, after the file has turn on, it will become a serious problem that making confusion us.

To prevent such that thing happen, we can lock screensaver that others cannot change screensaver with other. They can not install new screensaver and implements it in our computer. Through, via this tutorial will be studied tricks this locking, so our computer will be free of screensaver is loading viruses.

Its way simple enough, click Start > Run and writes down "gpedit.msc", then press Enter. Click User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Control Panel > Display and double click at part "Screensaver executable name".

Select "Enabled" and enters file name screensaver which will be made screensaver our person which can be accessed by Windows XP at text box "Screensaver executable name". Usually, files screensaver earns we to find in folder c:\Windows\System32 with extension ".scr". If out of it, we must enter path file in complete, for example "c:\dokumenku\saver.scr". Compress OK many times to go out from the place. Now we pay attention to our computer with we look to Control Panel > Display and click tabs "Screensaver". We will not see any change with other screensaver.

Prevents Changing the Wallpaper

We would be annoyed very, if wallpaper which we took a fancy to sudden changed by friend or others who is using our computer. Changes wallpaper of course is not thing which difficult. We are enough by using Control Panel and whoever can change wallpaper in Microsoft Windows XP. However, there is a way that wallpaper we cannot be changed by giving protection. In this tutorial we can study about the way. So whoever is not possibly changes our wallpaper.

Its way is with click at Start > Run and writes down "gpedit.msc". Then we pushed Enter when we have completed. If we had entered at windows Paradox Runtime, we can continue by stepping into part of User Configuration > Administrator Templates > Control Panel > Display. Double click at part "Prevent changing wallpaper" Then, select "Enabled" and press OK when we reside in windows "Prevent changing wallpaper Properties".

That way wallpaper we would be safe from ignorant hand.

Protecting The Start Menu

Each time we install new software, name of software would be codified in menu "Start". To see software installed by that, click Start > All Programs and hereinafter, you will see all software which have been installed.

If there are others floodlights one of software or the folder there, then buttons mouse right and click option "Delete", hence losing name of software from concevutive menu "Start".

To prevent this thing was happened, we did protection so that there are no shortcut menu again when right button mouse is clicked. Its way, click Start > Run and write regedit at windows Run. Hereinafter we can select "HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > Policies > Explorer". After thus we can continue with click menu Edit > New > DWORD VALUE. Give a name "NoChangeStartMenu". Click Edit > Modify and at part "Value Data", filled with value 1. If all is completed Restart the computer.

Preventing Installation Program

In a computer we can give preventing that another one can install the new program without permission at owner of the computer. Why? It is because business like that can give action of security and safety at the computer, so that computer we don't get viruses attack or other software measuring up to destroys activity of the system at the computer. Before happened serious damage at the computer, it will be better if we are close entrance to do installation new software.

In this tutorial will be studied is procedural to do closing the system installation of new programs. First step is with clicking Start > Run and writes “regedit”. Then push the ENTER. Hereinafter, we are admission at "HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Uninstall". We need to make a new entry with admission at menu Edit > New > DWORDVALUE. After that thing is done, gives name "NoAddFromCDorFloppy" and enters number 1 at Value Data. This thing is meant to enter the earns active. Last step is me-restart computer.
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