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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Locking Skin Windows Media Payer

In the computer world, the functioning software for multimedia is so central necessary for the user. Especially is the audio software. A lot of audio peripheral is earning that we to apply to open other song file or video. Most commonly is applied and has become congenital complement from windows is Windows Media Player. WMP is software standard from windows XP.

What is interesting is Windows Media Player has replaceable visual form as according to our appetite. We enough choosing "skin chooser" and takes one of model skin which there are]there. Possibly we feel enough likes wrongly one skin which we are choose and we wish that the syn- is not changed by others. Then, how to that we can lock the skin?

In this tutorial, we will be made the point to lock skin. Following is the steps:

First is there any click Start > Run and types "gpedit.msc" then pushed ENTER button. Then, click "User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Media Player> User Interface". Double click at option "Set and Lock Skin". Click option "Enabled" and enters file name skin which we select at text-box “Skin". in system MS Windows XP, skin is forming Windows media player always is marked with extension ".wmz" and earns we are searching to apply facility Search. For example, we can type "atomic.wmz" at the box which available.

If we completed determines skin which we to select, push OK and now our Windows Media Player open. Now, Windows Media Player would directly applies skin which is new without can be changed again.

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