In a computer we can give preventing that another one can install the new program without permission at owner of the computer. Why? It is because business like that can give action of security and safety at the computer, so that computer we don't get viruses attack or other software measuring up to destroys activity of the system at the computer. Before happened serious damage at the computer, it will be better if we are close entrance to do installation new software.
In this tutorial will be studied is procedural to do closing the system installation of new programs. First step is with clicking Start > Run and writes “regedit”. Then push the ENTER. Hereinafter, we are admission at "HKEY_CURRENT_USER | Software | Microsoft | Windows | CurrentVersion | Policies | Uninstall". We need to make a new entry with admission at menu Edit > New > DWORDVALUE. After that thing is done, gives name "NoAddFromCDorFloppy" and enters number 1 at Value Data. This thing is meant to enter the earns active. Last step is me-restart computer.