At condition of default, [System Restore] occupies around 12% from every logical drive. The number of the deductible spaces is according to our willingness by arranging utility or we to earn also turning off the features.
Following sequential in arranging [System Restore]:
1. Right click [My Computer] and select [Properties].
2. If had opened, we can select [System Restore].
3. Disable [System Restore] by giving sign check list at box [turn off system restore on all drives]. However, if we only wish to kill or lessens at certain drive, we can apply other way, that is we can highlights drive wanted, herein after click [Setting]. By using slider, we can arrange space size in drive the [System Restore] which will be applied for restore point. Reduction some numeral constrains from level of flexibility [System Restore] can lessen until 5% from total capacity of hard disk.
4. If all arrangement have been done soon click [OK] to saving the result of distorting setting.
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