If we wished web blog seen prettier, we can add various widget accessories desired. But, does all widget can beautify our blog and seen professional? The answer is no. What if wishing web blog to become professional and remain to be interesting to be visited? Not everything that makes layout blog we seen good, becomes thing that is good also to all visitor. Most Blogger newbie wish everything that according to him nicely must enter inside web blog. But after that thing becomes habit exactly becomes the negativity at result finally. However there is nothing wrong if we try - tries. So we need to transform content from posting, layout and everything that need to be presented in blog.
There is 19 way of we improve web our blog before coming late. Following is step which must be paid attention:
1. Checks page at some web different browser. Your page displays which so beautiful in browser Mozilla Firefox but is not guarantee good in browser Internet Explorer or Opera or other browser. Remembered visitor blog you are not only applies one browser only. for the purpose you tries checks with different browser, takes example: Firefox, Flock, Mozilla, IE, Opera, Safari, and other.
2. Color choice at blog. Election color of course relative difficult or easy to all based on appetite owner of blog. Doesn't too egoist, chooses color as according to your blog theme. Tried you thought of if blog you about religion with black color choice, will surely seen is dissonant not? Most black color tends to sites having theme underground or technology.
3. Avoids installs Clock. Asks at yourself itself what is the good install clock in blog you, if only as time memory or beautify page need shall not be applied, what is the good clock at taskbar windows. what is clear will make load page you increasingly weight. This thing will make lazy visitor to visit again sites you, although possibly contents of interesting posting to be read.
4. Avoids calendar tide. What is the good calendar in taskbar? Visitor only require information from blog you do not wish to see calendar. Simply information calendar of which I am intention is calendar of public, different with calendar presenting a posting (usually many applied wordpress.com user).
5. Avoids tide number of permanent counter visitors. If your blog has just didn't apply number of visitors (counter), this will cause ugly assessment to your blog. Although for a few service feeders counter provides manipulation facility to and adds number of visitors in manual, tries you to think blog which is new is made has reached 100000 visitors is that possibly?. Possibly there is alternative if you wished to install counter visitor. Try to admission in www.goodcounter.org. There are mode invisible counter. So you are not necessarily install counter visitor in your blog. But still able to watch number of visitor blog you. Even more there are complex within reason Google Analytic.
6. Don't to ask advertisement clicking. Avoids word "advertisement click under this" or linguistic anything asking for you visitor to click advertisement. Would be bad, till now there are some blog doing the thing (forgiveness if your blog included in this matter) who is world this is liking governed. Without you orders the advertisement clicking visitor will if it is felt good for they.
7. Don't install scattering advertisement. Advertisement which many very profits, but didn't fill advertisement you page only advertisement and. Advertisement tide appropriately just and knew your visitor is dislike with existence of advertisement which is look exceeds capacities from contents of your blog page.
8. Avoids installs song at blog. Besides making weight page blog presenting rather song impressed not professional and rather forgiveness impressed era formerly. It is not problems if blog about music or blog personal but for business block is less compatible.
9. Presents status IP visitor. Your blog are not programs spy isn't it? Gets with it not necessarily be attached that visitor doesn't feel spied.
10. Installs widgets which there is no the relation with blog. Adds widgets of course pleases but otherwise there is the relationship with your blog exactly will make blog you impressed odd. Tide widget as according to requirement only.
11. Don't only Copy-Paste. I don't prohibit you to do Copy-Paste, if is done better improve also code the script, esteemed writer tiring actually because if only copy-paste the article not will seen is natty and possibility that picture participated not will emerge.
12. Pays attention to punctuation mark. Pays attention to you article is have been the punctuation mark correctness. Mistake in just semicolon will cause has different meaning.
13. Don't apply big picture. Picture of course beautifies you page, however big picture exactly comes into question at loading page you. what is clear is your blog will surely be disregarded for the time being when loading page is run.
14. Verifies Dead link. Link which has died will unwelcome of reader, reader search engine doesn't nor likes this thing. Checks dead link often possibly, many tools in internet which able to do this duty.
15. Don't too much posting others article. This will get ugly response from reader, because reader would more thinks is better reads to the source is directly. But its not wrong if you have been jam. Source must be written!
16. Installing name of source of article. Blog which is professional always esteems others tiring, what is clear installs name of harmless source of even little you on the contrary appreciation to others tiring that is making you seen more professional.
17. Way of good comment response. Don't have ever acted learns, esteems all comment wisely despite of some annoyed comment. Remember! Blog place of people pours all ideas and idea thus all people surely haves an idea different. And doesn't too much giving comment. Later it will be assumed Spam.
18. Regular Posting. Don't like posting excessively. At least 1 week 1 time. Important is schedule. Because can make writing material tomorrow used today. Finally tomorrow doesn't have concept.
19. Don't like clicking Your advertisement by yourself. Many blogger does thing following. Finite it will banned advertisement which there is in blog by advertiser. The rook not good and will harm yourself.